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weekly cloister notes, uplifts, essays PLUS our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS CONTEMPLATIONS, Passion Week Consolations)
A place to belong: Access to our community, archives, readers corner, and extras
The good feeling to support a true labor of love :-)
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weekly cloister notes, uplifts, essays PLUS our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS CONTEMPLATIONS, Passion Week Consolations)
A place to belong: Access to our community, archives, readers corner, and extras
The good feeling to support a true labor of love :-)
My sincere gratitude, a special retreat per year & a seat at the founding members table, literally!
weekly cloister notes, uplifts, essays PLUS our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS CONTEMPLATIONS, Passion Week Consolations)
A place to belong: Access to our community, archives, readers corner, and extras
The good feeling to support a true labor of love :-)
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