Sitemap - 2021 - Cloister Notes
New Year's Eve. A Blessing for the night
The 6th Day of Christmas: Redeeming the Year.
The 5th Day of Christmas. Transcending sorrow
The 4th Day of Christmas. Contemplating Mary
The Third Day of Christmas: Becoming virgin
The Second Day of Christmas: Behold
Arriving at Christmas in a time of Plague. Rejoicing amidst our Sorrows, helped by JS Bach
When you are busy, Retreat. Or how ikebana saved my day
Lessons from the garden: Untangle and Reduce
Learning to love the small things. Introducing the School for Spiritual Formation
Why independence and inter-dependence need each other. Some reflections on Independence Day
Gardening with child. In praise of the greening healing powers
Why we need both: A Time for Waking and a Time for Resting.
Rain or Shine. Entering "ordinary times"
Contemplating motherhood. A mother’s day reflection (not only for mothers)
"God is in the Egg." A Spring Meditation with CG Jung
Let Spring remind us: New Beginnings take time.
What to do with Passion Week? Or Blessed are those who mourn
"Glance at the Sun... Now, think!"
Looking forward to our Kierkegaard masterclass
How to walk the desert this Lenten season? A Blessing of Encouragement