not forget, my daughter, says mother Zion in Hildegard’s vision, that the giver of all life has given your soul wings to fly above all obstacles

This I remember and speaks to me. 💕

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wonderful, Pat.

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Thank you for this blessing, recognizing that Mother's Day isn't happy for all. As an avid gardner, I love the imagery. Peace to you.

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Thank you, Kathleen, I love to garden, too.

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I appreciate the inclusive view of motherhood and Mother's Day. I know some people stay away from church on Mother's Day because the sentimental nature overlooked real pain. We have shifted more towards honoring the challenges and brokenness while still celebrating.

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Thank you, Todd. That is good to hear.

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For many years I’ve had mixed feelings about Mother’s Day, since my own mother often made it very clear to me that my thoughts and feelings were not a priority for her, to the point where the time came that I could no longer justify including her in my life. All that to say, thank you for sharing this wonderful message. I found that I needed that more than I thought. It helps me more than I can say to be able to think about Mother’s Day differently. Wishing you and your mother all the best for it! ❤️

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Dear Tobe, thank you for sharing your heart here. Mother's Day is particularly hard for all who have lost their mothers, to death and even more so to life. I am glad you can find some consolation in the idea that connecting and re-connecting with the sacred mothering energy in all people as well as with-in us can become a healing balm to our broken hearts. Liebe Grüsse aus Deutschland nach CA 🥰

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A lovely, gentle post -- so needed.

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Thank you, dear Jan. Gentle is a lovely word. I am glad.

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I'm a week late, but thank you for writing about the bittersweetness, both your own and for others. Also I love learning more about Hildegard!

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