I had never heard of the 3 dimensional model you get from MLK. Thanks. It is a useful tool for self reflection. I like that there is no judgment when one chooses to concentrate on one or the other.

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I agree. I plan to consider these three dimensions and discern which one might need more attention this week. Thank you AGAIN!

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Thanks Chuck. I do think it is about balancing all three. Still you got me thinking if there could be something like concentration.

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Almut, I have read and reread this over the past several days. As always your writing touches the soul. You have so much packed into this offering. Yes, indeed, I felt that I entered 2024 arse first. Illness and pain followed by a sinking into a lonely place. Like your little one, my grandsons were the cure...a happy long hug and an exclamation that they had been to a birthday party with pizza and ice cream!...what could be better? I've pondered about how you thought you had it together, but perhaps not. I have found that those little ones will express our fears and anxieties before we are ready to admit them. They make us face our vulnerabilities, especially where and when we are not ready. But just like that, they turn to see the splendor and simple gifts of life...snowflakes...and they share their wonder. They bring us back to a time when we were filled with wonder and spontaneous laugher and giving love without reservation. For 2024, I want to work on all three dimensions as I have messily done over a lifetime. It will be a meandering journey with fits and starts but that is okay.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a marvelous offering with so much to reflect on and wisdom to absorb.

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Thank you so much for sharing your heart here, Kathleen! It is so good to hear how my words are received! Makes me smile with gratitude and wonder 🙏

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"But still, we have tasted some consolation, and felt “by gracious powers wonderfully sheltered” (D. Bonhoeffer), even if it was just for a brief moment." I've had this experience, Almut...even (especially) during one of the worst times of my life. The consolation was so powerful that I've never forgotten it...almost fifty years later. I've also not heard of the 3 dimensional model from MLK. Thank you!

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So glad to hear this, Linda. And thank you for reading and sharing 🙏

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I really loved this posting. Thank you! I really agree with MLK an a life well lived has the three dimensions. I want to work at the social dimension more...the breadth of those I meet and touch and serve.

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Beautifully said, Debbie. And thank you for being here!

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Thank you for this wisdom this morning. I will share it with memberes of the "Aging Choices" group in the retirement community where I live in Eugene, OR. The theme of our next gathering is what wisdom we have gained as we have aged. The three dimensions will provide an instructive model for comment and sharing.

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so glad to hear that, Wes. And greetings to OR from a brimming cold MN :-)

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This was a perfect read for the day. I am focusing on MLK with a grateful heart, rather than other events occurring today. I was attending a vigil last night in honor of MLK with song, candles that reminded us that "Resistance is about saying yes to Love!", and short informational conversations about ways to continue to make a difference in the years ahead by men and women who have been engaged in making a difference with varied groups of struggling people and an invitation to others to join in. It was a cold night and it brought great encouragement that good works will continue.

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Glad to hear that, June, and thank you for sharing 🙏

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Thank you :-)

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You are welcome, dear Kit. thank for being here 🙏

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Thank you so much for sharing MLK’s model and the sermon from which it came. I look forward to reading that soon. Our Christian church has sponsored the annual MLK celebration in our small midwest community for 36 years. The participants (many are young ambassadors from the school) pour their hearts and souls into their presentations. I wonder how many know of King’s three-dimensional model. 🤔

Life at its best is three-dimensional. I love that! And that he said the three must work together for life to be complete. For me, that is also how the Holy Trinity works. It took me until my second half of life to even somewhat grasp these deeper truths of life.

Your notes and observations give me much to ponder. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️🙏

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Thank you Gayla, also for your civic engagement 🙏. It is good to hear about this and all the compassionate students you are working with.

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I don’t want to leave the impression that I’m working with the students. I’m just working behind the scenes with the logistics at the church. It is always quite invigorating. ❤️

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As all work it is God's work :-)

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Beautifully said. And I am particularly resonating with your answer to the dinner party question. As the main care-giver and support to my spouses career I am often in the position to awkwardly answer this question and I may steal this response next time. ❤️

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Thank you so much, Lindsey! Yes, isn't it an odd question anyways? Like doing is only doing if it is rewarded with a pay check. As life would be one dimensional. So let the world know the good work you are doing :-)

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Such beautiful photographs Almut. I always used to imagine it was Jack Frost decorating our windows with his icy touch. It doesn’t get so cold where we live now but I miss his gorgeous artwork ❄️

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Thank you, dear Emily, Yes, it probably was Jack Frost. He came late this season to Minnesota but his drawings are as artistic as always :-)

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We also have frost art on our windows today in Brittany. Love the Buber on transcendence.

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Thank you, Jan. And thank you for being here. Wish I could see your frost art :-)

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