On Thresholds and new beginnings.
A (mid) weekly blessing for all who venture.
Dear fellow pilgrim,
Today marks both the Chinese New Year and my 50th birthday!
And so, I did what one does on such a milestone—I retreated. First, I visited my Chinese doctor, who greeted me with a “Happy Birthday!” as she gently placed needles into me. I responded with “Happy New Year!” and then surrendered into the healing of her art.
From there, my journey continued north, to “my” monastery, two hours away. I arrived just in time for evening prayer, and at dinner, 60 sisters surprised me by singing Happy Birthday. What a gift!
I have written before about the deep sense of homecoming I feel here. It is a place where I can simply lean into the radical hospitality of monastic life, always grateful for the welcome.
There are also always intriguing table conversations. Tonight, we spoke of theology and philosophy, and of my upcoming academic talk (for which the monastery is also my go-to place to overcome writer’s block!). A young Vietnamese sister explained to me the meaning of the lunar year and its corresponding signs.
And so I learned: The Year of the Snake symbolizes wisdom and transformation—shedding old layers and growing into something new. That seems fitting, doesn’t it?
Since I am on a writing retreat, I don’t have many words to share just yet—just two things:
A gift & a blessing.
The Gift
A 50th birthday calls for something special, don’t you think?
If you have been on the edge of becoming a paid subscriber—supporting this labor of love and joining our growing community of seekers—perhaps a 50% off for the whole year might brighten your day? It surely would brighten mine. 🙂
Because my hope is that this year of wisdom and transformation will also be the year when Cloister Notes can sustain itself. (The special offer is valid for three days.)
As a paid member (for the price of a coffee a month) you become part of our inner community (perhaps like oblates at a monastery?), with access to our seasonal contemplations and our upcoming Winter Solitude Retreat at the end of February.
To my dearest paying subscribers: I have been looking for a way to extend this gift to you as well, but so far, I have not figured out how to adjust rates for existing members. If I find a way, I will let you know. For now: Thank you for being here with me and for believing in this venture.
The Blessing
My husband sent me off to the monastery (isn’t that what husbands do?) with a blessing. It speaks of finding your voice in the midst of sorrow. May it move your heart as it has moved mine.
With great love,
A Blessing for Your new Beginnings
by Chuck Huff
Now is your time to speak to the world.
May you be filled with God’s power to speak
From your brokenness
From the loneliness within you
From your foot-sore, halting, pilgrim way
May your brokenness become an offering to others,
A well of compassion
And deep insight into our human condition
May your loneliness become the infinite longing
Of God for you, and for us, and for us all.
May your pilgrim way be itself an immovable
Foundation in God’s ever-changing
All-enfolding love.
And above all,
May you be and become yourself.
For now is your time to speak.
PS: If you can, leave a heart, a word or a line which resonated with you in the comments, so we know you have been here :-)
In case you missed it
About Almut
Almut Furchert, Dr. phil., Dipl. Psych. is a German American scholar and practitioner, a psychologist turned philosopher turned writer, traveler, photographer, retreat leader and mother of a kindergartener. She has taught and published on authors like Kierkegaard, Buber, Frankl, Yalom, Edith Stein, and Hildegard of Bingen. Almut is also a Benedictine Oblate and lives with her family in a little college town in MN.
About Cloister Notes
A letter for dancing monks and weary pilgrims in the intersection of psychology, philosophy and spirituality. Contemplations on being human to deepen your path, nourish your heart and build wisdom within.
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Where the love of God is, there you are. Thank you for faithfully sharing where you are.
May you truly, deep down, become yourself, the one God loves and cherishes.