Where the love of God is, there you are. Thank you for faithfully sharing where you are.

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Thank you for being here with us, Wes 🙏

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May you truly, deep down, become yourself, the one God loves and cherishes.

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Thank you, Laurice. What a lovely blessing. May it be so for you also :-)

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Dear Almut, Happy 50th 🎂 Birthday! May this arriving at your mid century mark be a time of astonishment (what? I’m here already?), a time of reflection on the roads you have traveled and excitement for the years ahead. I love the picture of the monastery but I have to confess, it made me laugh. The stop sign in front of it…hmmm. (I’ve spent a lot of time with my agnostic son lately). I wish you a 50th year filled with good health, joy, contentment in ways that are most important to you and peace.

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right, the stop sign, I was wondering about that :-) But then, ti my understanding, there are many agnostic monastics also. Thank you for your kind wishes, dear Kathleen!

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This phrase held me.

“”All enfolding love”

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Happiest of birthdays to you (a little belated, but hopefully you are still celebrating!🎉) I love that you spent it at your monastery on a writing retreat and look forward to reading the fruits of your time there!

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Dear friend, I am writing on a job talk, actually. I might write about it some time later, when all is done 😇

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I like your use of the word "library" as one of the words for of the picture you posted. It fits what we already know, and thus as soon as I see the picture we know something about what your are trying to help us learn. Bruce

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Many birthday blessings to you! Happy half century.

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Thank you so much, Mary!

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Happy birthday !

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Thank you, Jim, and greetings to both of you 🥰

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Meaningful poem. I sent it to a friend who’s just finished chemo for ovarian cancer

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Blessings to you, Sara, and your friend 🙏

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Sending you many hopes for a happy birthday and year. And for fruitful thought and writing during your retreat. May the quiet unfold you and whisper to you peace.

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So lovely said, thank you, Donna 🙏

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Well, I meant toe say enfold but got caught by autocorrect.

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Ha, I never can actually quite tell the difference and mix those English words up all the time. May be it is the same process some how? Being enfold in order to unfold?

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Happy birthday, Almut! I am so glad that you are celebrating at our monastic home. I wish you continued blessings during this contemplative time, and I look forward to your shared writing and wisdom.

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Thank you, dear Stephanie, and welcome in our midst :-)

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I loved every line of that blessing. Thank you, Almut. Happy birthday!

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Thank you, Linda, I hope, Chuck read your kindness also :-) And thank you for being here.

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Thank YOU!

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I did indeed read it. And thanks. I like spiritual writing and blessings that meet us where we are.

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Congratulations with your fiftieth Dr Furchert.

In May 2024 on my seventieth birthday, I got this word through more than one source and I knew I was called to answer. I thought about the Shulamite who postponed her response to the call of the Beloved and had to go out and search for him later. I did not want to lose the opportunity by not responding - but how do you respond to such an invitation? I am old enough to know it has nothing to do with ministry. So, I started on a new journey into a new season and I feel as if I am being pulled by Something way larger than me ...

"The one I love calls to me: Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one. The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, “There is change in the air.” Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me. (Son 2:10-13) The Passion Translation

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What a gift you just shared, thank you so much, Stephan, what a marvelous text and calling indeed. I will move it in my heart during my retreat. Thank you and nice to having you here 🙏

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Every blessing for a very happy birthday (my youngest daughter is also 50 this year)

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Thank you, dear Sally, and thank you for being here. Glad I am as young as your daughter 😇

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🥰 Hugs from Hutch...

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