Whatever you are carrying, love carries it first:
A blessing for the weary pilgrim.
Dear fellow pilgrim,
In this Easter season, we are currently on a pilgrimage through the German country side, slowly making our way towards my parents’ home. So our midweek-ish blessing reaches you today from the back country of the former East Germany written by Chuck and illustrated with my images and prayer. Thank you for reading, sharing and supporting our Cloister Notes, a letter for dancing monks, weary pilgrims, and wounded healers. Love, Almut
what ever it is
you are carrying
love carries it first.
love incarnate
grace eternal
in-dwelling word
always and immerAmen
Dear friend,
Our child has been reading bible stories and through them has come to ask her own existential questions.
What is death? Will Mama and Papa always be with me?
When I am alone, will they come find me? How can I be both independent and safe?
And even though I know the answers are more complex, I still assure her that we will always be there. Not because I simply want to comfort her. But because I know that this balance of safety and fear, of questions and answers, is essential to allow her to become the person she is called to be.

It was with these thoughts that I ran across this snippet of a poem from Almut:
“Whatever it is
you are carrying,
love eternal
carries it first.”
And I was cast back into my own need for safety and freedom.
I want to say yes to so many good things, and then I am overwhelmed.
Love eternal carried this first. And love eternal carries it even now for me.
Even when I feel betrayed and abandoned, impatient or overwhelmed.
Love eternal carried this first and carries it now for me.
And so, traveler, for all your cares and comforts and fears and feast days, here is a blessing from the one who carries the universe — and also your small life — in her heart:
In trials and triumphs
in exhaustion and embraces
in despair and delight
know this: you are held always in the warm embrace of love eternal
Whatever it is you are carrying, she carries it first.
The heart of the universe is not cold stardust
but the blazing compassion of love.
Love eternal carries it first, even now.
Chuck, with Almut & little one.

PS: If you can, leave a heart, a word or a line which resonated with you in the comments, so we know you have been here :-)
In case you missed it
Thank you for reading, sharing and supporting Cloister Notes, a letter for dancing monks, weary pilgrims and wounded healers in the intersection of psychology, philosophy and spirituality. Your support makes this labor of love possible.
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Thank you, thank you.
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Thank you for such a gentle midweek blessing. "The heart of the universe is not cold stardust but the blazing compassion of love." It made me sit up and breathe a deep sigh of warmth.
Beautiful and comforting and wise. Thank you.